82ATP – 12 Phrases that make talking to kids easier

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Actually we’re talking about 13 phrases – and of course about our actual experience with them.

12 powerful parenting phrases that make talking to kids easier

72ATP – Many ways to develop a growth mindset 2(2)

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We have to talking about the importance of „grit“ and a „growth mindset“ in the past. But today we’re expanding on this idea and we’re introducing several practical ways of how to improve and develop your child’s growth mindset – and of course your own as well.

In this second part we discuss more points like:
* Use the word „yet“
* keep on having goals
* take over ownership for your attitude

Visit our site:

71ATP – Many ways to develop a growth mindset 1(2)

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We have to talking about the importance of „grit“ and a „growth mindset“ in the past. But today we’re expanding on this idea and we’re introducing several practical ways of how to improve and develop your childs growth mindset – and of course your own as well.

Here some point we discuss:
* Stop seeking approval
* Try different learning tactics
* Celebrate growth with others
* Reward actions, not traits.

The article we base our discussion on:

70ATP – Eleven sure fire ways to stop siblings fighting

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We talk about yet another article, which we would like to implement indeed!

In case you’re also frustrated about your kids not getting along, screaming and fighting – you’ll have to listen in and get some creative ideas you should try out!

11 Sure-Fire Ways to Stop Sibling Fighting and to Encourage Kids to Get Along


69ATP – Seven deadly sins of communication

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This topic doesn’t just apply to parenting and children – but to all humans.
Communication shapes all of our lives.
But it becomes uncomfortable and disheartening, when certain communication sins are being committed:

1. Gossip
2. Judging
3. Being negative
4. Complaining
5. Making excuses
6. Exaggerating
7. Being dogmatic


68ATP – Seven ways to respond to your child’s negative self-talk

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We also have made the experience of witnessing some of our kids talking negatively about themselves.
Most encouragement in the moment – doesn’t work. Here we talk about 7 different ways of how to strengthen and building up your child.

Here’s the link if you’d https://biglifejournal.com/blogs/blog/negative-self-talk-child-says-dumb-stupid

by Big Life Jounral