81ATP – Twelve steps to follow for raising kids 1(2)

We talk more „old school parenting“. This time we found an old newspaper article.



75ATP – 5 Love languages in the family 2 (2)

We still need to talk about one more love language – which we’re doing today:

– Acts of service


But since this would be a very short episode, we add another topic:

5 Essential ways how to create a growth mindset corner

So keep listening to find out – what the heck that is!


74ATP – 5 Love languages in the family

Even though we’ve been talking about the 5 love languages before, we’re now talking about it in detail! Find out about the five different ways of how to give and receive love within the family!

Today we talk about the first 4 different languages:
– Physical touch
– Words of affirmation
– Quality time
– Gifts

So – one more language remains to be talked about – but since we didn’t want to talk about it too long …. wait for the next episode! 🙂


link to the control-what-your-kid-does-on-their-smartphone-app:

64ATP – Positive things to say to your kids 2 (2)

Today we continue talking about this list of 55 positive things to say to your child.
This time we’re letting you know, why parents should let their kids know, that they’re enough,  how to encourage without demotivating and why it’s important to know that not everybody will like you, and that that’s ok!

Build Confidence! 55 Positive Things To Say To Your Child

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63ATP – Positive things to say to your kids 1 (2)

Today we talk about this list of 66 positive things to say to your child.
Of course we don’t get through all of them in one sitting, but in this first part, you’ll learn, why it’s important to value all of your kids opinions, that it’s meaningful to let your child be able to say no and  why it’s is so vital to talk about bravery and being able to spot, when your kid proves to be brave.

Build Confidence! 55 Positive Things To Say To Your Child