62ATP – Hard truths I’d like to know earlier

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Some of those hard truths we discuss include:
Everyone we love is going to die.
Figure out a way or don’t complain.

We talk about our take on these sentences andΒ  we’ve got some hard truths of our own. πŸ˜‰


47ATP – Philosophy with kids Part 4

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="239" post_id="239"]

Amateure philosophy can be quite entertaining!Β  _ In this series you won’t learn to many thoughts that are very deep, but you’ll get to know us a little more – as a family, since we also asked our kids. What is their opinion on several philosophical questions?
Listen and find out!



44ATP – Philosophy with kids Part 1

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="232" post_id="232"]

Amateure philosophy can be quite entertaining!Β  _ In this series you won’t learn to many thoughts that are very deep, but you’ll get to know us a little more – as a family, since we also asked our kids. What is their opinion on several philosophical questions?
Listen and find out!