[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="268" post_id="268"]
Teaching your kids about commitments has become an increasingly growing challenge:
Here are some points we talk about:
1) Be in a strong marriage/ partnership!
2) Share great stories – of yourself and others!
3) Set big goals and work hard towards them!
4) Show your kids unconditional grace.
5) Have them take care of a pet.
6) Teach them a sport or an instrument.
7) Work together on a big home project.
8) Play difficult board games or put puzzles together.
9) Offer regular challenges.
10 )Develop a schedule for your child.
11) Encourage patience with siblings and those who may be different.
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="266" post_id="266"]
I found this interesting article on a german website:
It talks about the different kinds of parents one can find on the playground:
The career mom,
the professional picknick maker,
the locals,
the translators,
the helicopter parents,
the big sibling and
the documentary film maker!
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="239" post_id="239"]
Amateure philosophy can be quite entertaining! _ In this series you won’t learn to many thoughts that are very deep, but you’ll get to know us a little more – as a family, since we also asked our kids. What is their opinion on several philosophical questions?
Listen and find out!
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="237" post_id="237"]
Amateure philosophy can be quite entertaining! _ In this series you won’t learn to many thoughts that are very deep, but you’ll get to know us a little more – as a family, since we also asked our kids. What is their opinion on several philosophical questions?
Listen and find out!
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="232" post_id="232"]
Amateure philosophy can be quite entertaining! _ In this series you won’t learn to many thoughts that are very deep, but you’ll get to know us a little more – as a family, since we also asked our kids. What is their opinion on several philosophical questions?
Listen and find out!