60ATP – Parenting between smartphones and tablets

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Smartphone parents often pay more attention to their phone, than to their kids. Here we talk about some rules parents should follow, how they can use their phones for the benefit of their kids and which of the mentioned rules we don’t fully agree with. …


49ATP – Teach your kid about commitment

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Teaching your kids about commitments has become an increasingly growing challenge:

Here are some points we talk about:
1)   Be in a strong marriage/ partnership!
2)   Share great stories – of yourself and others!
3)   Set big goals and work hard towards them!
4)   Show your kids unconditional grace.
5)   Have them take care of a pet.
6)   Teach them a sport or an instrument.
7)   Work together on a big home project.
8)   Play difficult board games or put puzzles together.
9)   Offer regular challenges.
10 )Develop a schedule for your child.
11) Encourage patience with siblings and those who may be different.

48ATP – Different types of parents on the playground

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I found this interesting article on a german website:
It talks about the different kinds of parents one can find on the playground:
The career mom,
the professional picknick maker,
the locals,
the translators,
the helicopter parents,
the big sibling and
the documentary film maker!