95ATP – Disappointment is good

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Disappointment is good – we often need it!


89ATP – How to teach your kid how to have self discipline

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Would wouldn’t like to have more self discipline? It probably would have been great if you’d had parents who taught you early – how to become this great disciplined person, you want your kids to be also!


76ATP – 5 Parenting mistakes that might turn your kid into an *hole

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="367" post_id="367"]

This time we talk about an article on a german website:

Things that parents should avoid are:

1.   Surround your kid with people who are unable to show their feelings.
2.  Do everything in order to prevent your kid from having any kind of disappointing experience.
3.  Always have some substitutions in order to comfort your child.
4.  Act as unpredictable as possible.
5.  Don’t ever respect your child’s boundaries.

Here the link for all german speaking listeners:

75ATP – 5 Love languages in the family 2 (2)

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We still need to talk about one more love language – which we’re doing today:

– Acts of service


But since this would be a very short episode, we add another topic:

5 Essential ways how to create a growth mindset corner

So keep listening to find out – what the heck that is!


72ATP – Many ways to develop a growth mindset 2(2)

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We have to talking about the importance of „grit“ and a „growth mindset“ in the past. But today we’re expanding on this idea and we’re introducing several practical ways of how to improve and develop your child’s growth mindset – and of course your own as well.

In this second part we discuss more points like:
* Use the word „yet“
* keep on having goals
* take over ownership for your attitude

Visit our site:

71ATP – Many ways to develop a growth mindset 1(2)

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="346" post_id="346"]

We have to talking about the importance of „grit“ and a „growth mindset“ in the past. But today we’re expanding on this idea and we’re introducing several practical ways of how to improve and develop your childs growth mindset – and of course your own as well.

Here some point we discuss:
* Stop seeking approval
* Try different learning tactics
* Celebrate growth with others
* Reward actions, not traits.

The article we base our discussion on:

57ATP – Decisions and Happiness

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Helping our kids when making big life decisions is an important part of parenting. Of course most parents want their kids to be happy and to be able to decide in ways that won’t bring forth regret or sadness. Let’s find out how that is possible!

49ATP – Teach your kid about commitment

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Teaching your kids about commitments has become an increasingly growing challenge:

Here are some points we talk about:
1)   Be in a strong marriage/ partnership!
2)   Share great stories – of yourself and others!
3)   Set big goals and work hard towards them!
4)   Show your kids unconditional grace.
5)   Have them take care of a pet.
6)   Teach them a sport or an instrument.
7)   Work together on a big home project.
8)   Play difficult board games or put puzzles together.
9)   Offer regular challenges.
10 )Develop a schedule for your child.
11) Encourage patience with siblings and those who may be different.